The Liverpool CC event on Sat 25th November is pre entry only. Our races are included within the British Athletics cross challenge series and it’s a wonderful day with runners taking part from all over the UK.
There is no entry on the day at all and, although the race is within the Mid Lancs League series, it’s a completely different entry process.
For juniors and those seniors in squads and general groups, your coaches have been sent all details with the request that all entries are confirmed to Steve Jackson no later than 8th November.
For seniors, a lot of names were taken at Cuerden Park. If you were not asked, or were not there, please contact Steve Jackson no later than 8th November if you wish to run. Or text to 07811351843.
You must be a fully paid up member of Preston Harriers with EA Affiliation for 2017/18.
If it’s later than 8th Nov, then there is no guarantee you’ll have an entry.
All numbers and chips will be issued from the club tent. Our usual spot is relatively close to the M/Lancs tent and well beyond the row of portable toilets.
Please bring safety pins. There will be no spare pins at the tent.