You will be trained by a UK Athletics running coach and Run Leader throughout the 9 weeks, at the same time meeting new
friends all working to the same goal.
So the challenge in a nutshell:
Aim – To run 3 times a week for at least 30 minutes (approx 5K)
Benefits – Running at any speed will get your heart pumping. Running regularly, or 3 times a week, will increase your fitness so
you don’t feel out of breath. It will also give your mood a boost and feel energised.
Goal – The programme is 9 weeks long but take as long as you need. It is fine to repeat weeks, you don’t want to do too much
too soon or else you’ll get burned out or even injured.. As long as you keep on moving you’ll find the more you can do the more
you’ll want to keep it up.
Next steps – We have a limited 15 places, and places will be on a first come first served basis. After 3 weeks we ask that you
join Preston Harriers which costs £16 for the year.
The sessions will be on Monday night around Avenham Park in Preston starting at 6-30pm.
Please contact Jacquie Bonworth - 07967707193 or Dale Wallis – 07736828450 to book your place or further information.