Do you have a friend or family member who would like to improve their fitness but doesn't know where to start? Perhaps you know someone who would like to run but lacks the confidence to try? Or maybe your own running has been on the back-burner for a while?
Well, perhaps the soloution is here in the form of a new Couch-to-5km group, starting three weeks today on Monday October 9th.
This group will aim to get those who are new to running to be able to run 5km (3.1 miles in old money!) after 9 weeks of supportive and friendly training.
Participants will be trained by UK Athletics running coach Dale Wallis and run leaders Heidi and Maureen Kirkby throughout, and at the same time meet new friends all working to the same goal. Nobody is too old, injured or unfit!
It is well known that running at any speed will get your heart pumping and running regulalrly will increase your fitness. It will also give your mood a boost and help you feel energised. So why not give it a go?
The group and coaching is free - all that is asked is that after 3 weeks members
join Preston Harriers (at a cost of £17) for the year, giving club them membership with all its other benefits.
The sessions will be on Monday night around the lovely Avenham and Miller, Parks starting at 6.30pm.
There are still some places available so please email or send a message via the website to secure one of these limited spots.