For all junior and senior runners who wish to run in the Red Rose Cross Country League for the 2018 season you must enter via the team manager by 5th October 2018. The club pays the league affiliation fee, but unlike the Mid Lancs League, there is a fee of £6 for the series (not per race). It will still be possible to enter races after this date, but you must do this individually and the cost is £10 for the series (not per race). This is to encourage clubs to pre-enter runners and reduce administration on the day. Please note that for all the races there is no entry on the day.
Unfortunately this season 2 of the 4 races clash with Mid Lancs League fixtures, but it is still possible for individuals to complete each series (Red Rose 3 out of 4, Mid Lancs 4 out of 6).
If you are considering running a Red Rose fixture then it is worth registering for a number before 5th October. The entry fee is only payable if you actually run in at least one of the races.
You must be a fully paid up member of Preston H. with an EA Registration No. Please contact the team manager, Steve Taylor, stating your full name, date of birth and EA No.