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Couch-to-5k graduates boss it!

Saturday morning was a special one for 12 new Preston Harriers as they completed their first parkrun, graduating from the NHS-led C25K plan. Despite the challenging conditions, the group excelled and even managed some smiles for the roaming photographer on the course.

As Preston parkrun was the graduation venue, in a typically-supportive parkrun style the graduates were accompanied by a number of Tuesday-Thursday group members who either ran with them or cheered from the (rainy and windy) sidelines.

The group have been putting in the work for sure, meeting weekly on Monday evenings as the nights have drawn in over the autumn and winter. Coached, encouraged and cajoled by qualified run leaders Dale and Heidi Wallis and Maureen Kirkby, the group have trained in Avenham and Miller Parks in order to get ready to run 5km and also include that dreaded parkrun hill.

Starting to run can feel like a daunting prospect, especially at this time of year. It takes an extra level of determination and drive to commit to the habit during the winter so extra kudos is certainly due. We look forward to welcoming the graduates to more Preston Harrier events and ensuring their trainers wear out soon.

If you have been 'out of the game' for a while due to injury, illness or life simply getting in the way, the plan outlined here can help the steps seems easier.

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