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It is the final Inter Club of the season -

On Wednesday 6th September the lovely Red Rose Runners will be hosting the final Inter-Club road race fixture. As the nights are already starting to draw in, this event will have a start time of 7pm so we can ensure everyone finishes safely without having to pull out a torch, candle or glow stick. Please arrive in good time to ensure you are warmed up and ready to go at 7.

The event will take place at Worden Park, PR25 3DH and - as ever - lift-sharing is encouraged as far as possible. There are carparks in the grounds however they are likely to fill up qucikly!

Following the run, there is a planned buffet at aptly named The Railway (PR5 4NT) which is hard to miss as it is opposite Leyland station. Parking is limited here so please consider sharing lifts where possible or even having a steady jog along.

The route is fairly flat, meaured as 4.2miles and set in and around the park grounds.

So, if you're a registered member who is at a loose end, injury-free and in need of some fine evening air, come along to Worden Park.

If you have any queries regarding your number please email and hopefully your conundrum can be solved.

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