The Annual General Meeting will be held on Monday 15th April at The Final Whistle Cafe, UCLan Sports Arena at 7pm
The following amendments to the Constitution have been proposed and are shown in red:
10. The management of the Club shall be vested in a Management Committee which shall consist of Chairman, Vice Chairman, Treasurer, Secretary and Membership Secretary who shall be Officers of the Club together with a maximum of ten other members. All nominations for the position of Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer must be proposed and seconded, and submitted to the Secretary or Chairman, at least 28 days before the AGM. All the foregoing shall be elected at the AGM and remain in office until the conclusion of the AGM of the following year.
All members are eligible to attend the meeting. Please pre-register your attendance by emailing the Club Secretary
Annual General Meeting
7pm, Monday 15th April 2024 at
Final Whistle Café, UCLan Sports Arena
1 Welcome and apologies for absence
2 Minutes of the AGM on 17th April 2023 and matters arising
3 Chairman’s opening remarks
4 Annual Reports:
Secretary, Track & Field, Endurance, Treasurer
5 Presentation of Annual Accounts and appointment of Accountants
6 To consider nominations for Honorary Life Membership.
7 Any amendments to documents, policies and procedures
8 Proposal and Election of Officers and Management Committee Members
President Roy Swinbank
Chairperson Ian Dandy
Vice Chairperson Sarah Suffolk
Secretary Maureen Kirkby
Membership Secretary Marian Hesketh
Treasurer (Vacant)
Chair of Track & Field SC (Vacant)
Chair of Endurance SC Philippa Walsh
Coaching Co-ordinator Peter Crook
Lead Welfare Officer (Vacant)
Welfare Officer Sarah Suffolk
Officials Co-ordinator (Vacant)
9 Any other Business - To discuss other matters of which due notice has been given.
Minutes accepted as a correct record Proposed ………………………..